P Plate Piano
P Plate Piano is a series of three bright, colourful piano books for beginner pianists who have completed their first tutor. The book's design complements the teacher's existing teaching methods and provides the perfect preparation for AMEB Preliminary Piano or Preliminary Piano for Leisure. Optional non-graded assessments are available from AMEB at the end of each book. The books feature stunning artwork, fun activities and informative text written by nationally-respected music educator Elissa Milne.
The P Plate Piano program includes various teaching resources and activities for students to reinforce their learning. Videos demonstrate teaching techniques and tips for presenting the program to students. The website also features a Hall of Fames showcasing student performances.
Develop Stylistic Versatility
P Plate Piano materials are carefully sequenced and pedagogically structured to support young musicians in their earliest stages of development. The books appeal to different learning styles and feature a variety of musical genres, including classical to contemporary, to help young musicians develop stylistic versatility.
The program assists students to progress steadily from single-note melodies and become confident with more complex works such as duet playing. P Plate piano also applies creative interaction and integrated technology to encourage students to use imagination in their learning experience.
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Optional non-graded assessments are available upon the completion of each book. Students can perform pieces selected for assessment alone or in groups (not available in some states), and there is no requirement for technical work, sight-reading or general knowledge. Parent and teacher participation is keenly encouraged at the examination.
At the end of the performance, the AMEB examiner will provide an AMEB-issued assessment report with a certificate acknowledging the student’s achievement. On completion of the series, students will receive a credit card-style P-Plate Piano licence.
View P Plate Piano Assessment Contact AMEB state offices
Hall of Fame
We love celebrating the achievements of our P Platers.
The Hall of Fame is a P Plate Piano channel on Youtube. Hall of Fame videos represents a cross-section of some of the best P Platers out there who have spent time learning certain pieces in our P Plate Piano books.
The Editor
Elissa Milne is a composer who specialises in writing educational piano music. With over twenty publications and her music included in many more anthologies, she has had her music included in the syllabuses of all major examination boards and adopted as set pieces for young pianists in eisteddfods, festivals and competitions around the world.