Rockschool Examiner

We're seeking specialists in contemporary instrumental music to become examiners for our Rockschool exams.


  • Please download and read the position description here.
  • Send us your current CV (including the names of two referees) and a statement addressing the Assessment Criteria to Fiona Seers, Head of Examining, via email at

For more information about this role, please get in touch with Fiona Seers, Head of Examining, via phone at (03) 8660 5800 or email at


AMEB enlists skilled text and music proofreaders to review new AMEB publications as part of the publication process.

If you would like to be considered for a proofreading position, please email a CV and cover letter to


Syllabuses under review

AMEB syllabuses are regularly reviewed by specialists with a national profile in their instrument to reflect current pedagogical best practice. Check the Latest News for information on how to participate in our current and upcoming syllabus reviews. 



AMEB has a commitment to including compositions by Australian and regional composers in its publications and syllabuses. Please check the AMEB Syllabus News in the front section of the Manual of Syllabuses for information about syllabuses currently under review. Stay up to date by subscribing to our AMEB eNews by clicking here. If you would like to submit compositions or publications for consideration by AMEB syllabus consultants for possible inclusion in an upcoming syllabus, please send a copy of the music along with your contact details and any relevant copyright information to:


AMEB Federal Office

Level 27, 150 Lonsdale Street

Melbourne VIC 3000

Telephone 1300 725 709


Materials received for a syllabus not currently under review will be stored in our music library until such time as the relevant syllabus is being reviewed. Handwritten scores are accepted. 


State Offices

For opportunities including becoming an examiner, please contact your local AMEB State Office.



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