PAA Downloadable Support Materials

Musical TheatrePAA

The Musical Theatre Syllabus provides in-depth guidance on every element of the PAA examinations in Musical Theatre. Download the Musical Theatre supporting materials below:

Browse Exams

Jazz DancePAA

The Jazz Dance Syllabus provides in-depth guidance on every element of the PAA examinations in Jazz Dance including all supporting audio tracks. Download the Jazz Dance supporting materials below:

Browse Exams

Street DancePAA

The Street Dance Syllabus provides in-depth guidance on every element of the PAA examinations in Street Dance. Download the supporting material below:

Browse Exams


PAA Acting develops candidates of all ages and levels, assessing a range of communication, interpretative and technical skills through practical assessment. Download the supporting material below:

Screen ActingPAA

This unique and innovative syllabus will develop your screen acting skills grade-by-grade so you can confidently perform no matter what acting scenario you find yourself in. Download the supporting material below:

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