Musical Theatre Series 1 Grade 3 (Gentlemen's Edition) Recorded Accompaniments (CD)

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A collection of muscial theatre accompaniments for practice and use in AMEB examinations.

SKU: 1203085339

ISBN/ISMN: 799439188174

Series: Series 1

Publisher: AMEB

Love who you love (A man of no importance)
It only takes a moment (Hello, Dolly!)
More I cannot wish you (Guys and dolls)
Your eyes are blue (A funny thing happened on the way to the forum)
When I get my name in lights (The boy from Oz)
That face (The producers)
When I was a kid - part 2 (Prodigal)
How lucky you are (Seussical the musical)
Alone in the universe (Seussical the musical)
If you knew me (Waves)
All that's known (Spring awakening)
When words fail (Shrek)
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